Houston Asian Chinese restaurant guide
Well I was browsing through the web today and found this really cool dining guide in Houston. Their website is at http://www.chinatownconnection.com/houston-asian-restaurant-guide.htm and it features all these Asian restaurants in Houston that I have never heard of before. The coolest thing about this restaruant guide is how much food detail it goes into. You can learn about Hunan Cuisine or make your own Chinese food from their Chinese recipes Guide. I love reading the restaurant reviews people have submitted about these Chinese, Japanese restaurants and I love the fact that they put their menus on the web. It makes everything so much more convienent and efficient. This is the best Houston restaurant guide out there, even better than Citysearch which does not focus on a niche market like ChinatownConnection.com's guide. For all those who love Chinese and Asian food, this is the guide to visit before you head out!